Does Upper Cervical  Chiropractic Really Work?

Posted in Upper Extremities on Mar 11, 2020

Does Upper Cervical  Chiropractic Really Work?

Upper Cervical Chiropractic uses a very precise chiropractic technique that is not used by general chiropractors! Once you understand the purpose of our technique, you will begin to see how it is different and why it is successful even for patients who have already tried medication and surgery.

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What is the Upper Cervical Chiropractic technique?

The upper cervical chiropractic technique focuses on the two bones of the spine (the atlas and the axis) that protect the brain stem. Unlike general chiropractic, this technique involves very delicate, precise movements to correct upper cervical misalignments.

Healthy alignment in the upper cervical spine is crucial to keep the brain stem functioning properly. Without proper upper cervical alignment, the brain stem can be compressed and, in turn, cause many problems to arise within the body as messages and signals from the brain to the body become distorted.

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Are Chiropractors Real Doctors?

Chiropractors earn a D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) while a medical doctor earns an M.D. (Medical Doctor or Doctor of Medicine). There are states that consider chiropractors as health care providers and others that do not. However, chiropractic is a very holistic alternative to medicine. 

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A Doctor of Chiropractic will treat disorders of the bones, nerves, muscles, and ligaments. While medical doctors will prescribe medications, diagnose ailments, order diagnostic tests, and record patient information.

While many people will think of chiropractors as merely cracking a person’s back, chiropractic care is about spinal manipulation and the study of how the spine and its structures relate to your body’s functions. We use the upper cervical chiropractic technique, which helps release any pressure placed on your brain stem caused by a misalignment.

Pressure placed on the brain stem distorts your body’s functions and can cause many different conditions to arise if left untreated.


How long do chiropractors go to school?

Those who want to become a chiropractor must complete a minimum of three years of college-level courses before entering chiropractic school. The completion of a Doctor of Chiropractic degree on average requires four to five years of professional education.

During this time, chiropractors study anatomy, physiology, chemistry, pathology, geriatrics, pediatrics, microbiology, diagnosis, dermatology, neurology, radiology, psychology, psychiatry, obstetrics, gynecology, and orthopedics; in which are among the subjects also taught in medical school.

The hours are balanced differently for the classes when it comes to what chiropractic studies more and what medical studies more, but when it comes to total education hours, chiropractic schooling averages much more.


Do doctors recommend chiropractors?

When people think of chiropractors, they think of generic chiropractic. The same goes for doctors, and they often don’t know about the upper cervical and how it differs from other chiropractic techniques. Therefore, they usually push the upper cervical chiropractic with just being general chiropractic.

While there are doctors who understand general chiropractic and recommend them to patients, it is only if they know them and their services personally. Doctors who have no experience with chiropractors, especially upper cervical, will usually not recommend or bring them up because of the lack of understanding.

Our goal is to ensure patients can be helped naturally before they take a more extreme route to help their symptoms, such as consistent medication (in which all medications have side effects) or surgery. Those who do not understand the methods and science behind upper cervical chiropractic techniques see it as posing a danger and would rather try helping the patient with various medications or surgery.


Is it bad to go to the chiropractor?

All medications have side effects, and surgery is not always accurate and can pose a huge risk as it is a change to the natural body. Chiropractic does not involve anything “foreign” to enter the body, so it creates no side effects. Upper cervical chiropractic uses very gently, precise movements to correct misalignment, and the procedure is safe enough for a newborn!

Seeing a chiropractor is not bad at all! An upper cervical chiropractor helps the function of your brain stem as over time misalignments can place pressure on it from sports, accidents, poor posture, and bone changes due to aging, to name a few.


Does chiropractic really work?

Many patients who have tried medications and surgery before considering an upper cervical chiropractic adjustment still have reported great improvements to their condition or body in as little as one adjustment! This is because we do not target the symptoms like medication is made to do; instead, we help the body use its natural ability to heal and repair itself – which means it targets the underlying cause.


How do I choose a good chiropractor in Charleston?

Always make sure the chiropractor you choose is a professional in the upper cervical chiropractic technique. A good chiropractor does not make unnecessary adjustments. Our goal is to adjust you as little as possible so the body may heal and repair itself.

Depending on the severity of the misalignment, a patient may need more adjustments than others. However, our goal remains the same. We only adjust when needed and allow the body to be able to grow strong enough to hold the adjustment on its own. Over time, you will need us less often, and that’s a good sign!

With medication, you are put on a schedule of when to use it, and patients can stick to that schedule for the rest of their lives, depending on their situation. This means the medication is not healing you, and it is simply only helping you cope with the ongoing symptoms.


Does chiropractic hurt?

Upper cervical chiropractic adjustments are very gentle on the body and do not “crack” the area. Using precise, subtle movements, we realign the upper cervical spine to take the pressure off your brain stem that was applied by a misalignment so your body can go back to healing and functioning properly.

Our technique is gentle and safe enough to use on newborns as those who cannot sit in an adjusting position will be adjusted instead by small vibrations.

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