Natural Treatment for Autoimmune Disease

Posted in Upper Extremities on Dec 8, 2020

Autoimmune disease is a major health problem that affects more than seven percent of the population in the United States, according to the National Institutes of Health. This percentage is more than 20 million Americans and still rising. 

This condition occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks your body as instead of telling the difference between foreign and your own cells, it begins to treat your joints and skin as foreign. In autoimmune disease, proteins called autoantibodies are released and attack healthy cells.

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There are various types of autoimmune diseases, and the type and severity usually narrow down available treatment options. However, there is one natural autoimmune disease treatment that could be useful no matter what type of autoimmune disease you are fighting.

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Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease

Symptoms of autoimmune disease can affect all of your body’s organs and initial symptoms are typically erratic and unspecific until the disease becomes severe.

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This makes the autoimmune disease even more alarming; however, becoming familiar with the symptoms of autoimmune disease may help you pinpoint the possibility of it before it becomes worse.

The early symptoms of many autoimmune diseases are very similar and include the following:

  • Fatigue
  • Low-grade fever
  • Achy muscles
  • Swelling and redness
  • Hair loss
  • Skin rashes
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet

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Most Common Treatment Options for Autoimmune Disease

When suffering from autoimmune disease, it is very likely to hear about medication options. Keep in mind these most common autoimmune disease treatments do not cure autoimmune disease. These treatments work by controlling the overactive immune response as well as bring down inflammation and reduce pain. Drugs involved in autoimmune disease treatments include the following:

  • Immune-suppressing drugs - immune-suppressing drugs work by reducing the influence the autoimmune disease has on the body. These drugs actually weaken the immune system which is why it suppresses the immune system from attacking its own tissue.

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) - These are over the counter medications that can be bought without a prescription. These are used to help reduce inflammation to relieve pain. NSAIDS can work quickly and be very effective; however, they do come with a list of side effects and should only be used for short-term or on occasion and never use various types at the same time.

Other than medication, eating a balanced diet while getting regular exercise can help reduce the pain associated with autoimmune disease.

If you have not noticed already, these autoimmune disease treatment options above help make the symptoms of autoimmune disease less uncomfortable instead of focusing on the actual cause.


Is There a Natural Autoimmune Disease Treatment that Targets the Cause?

The cause of the autoimmune disease is the immune system mistakenly attacking its own body: confusing healthy cells as foreign invaders. Believe it or not, there is an autoimmune disease treatment that looks to strengthening and correcting your body’s immune system functions: Upper cervical adjustments.

Upper cervical adjustments focus on the most significant part of your spine: the upper cervical spine located right beneath the base of your skull. Why is this part so important? It protects your brain stem and influences the placement of the rest of your spine!

If your upper cervical spine is knocked out of alignment, it can squeeze your brain stem – disrupting your brain to the body’s natural flow of communication.

When communication is disrupted, false signals (or sometimes no signals at all) are sent throughout the body causing the body to harm itself. These false signals become confusing and not only influence the body to harm itself but also stunts its natural ability to heal and repair itself from injury.

This is a bad mix that can lead to many complications throughout your body and bring about various conditions.

Depending on the severity of the misalignment, symptoms may be sudden or develop slowly over time. It is important to note if you do have a misalignment and do not treat it, it can continue to interfere with your body’s natural brain to body communication and worsen if left uncorrected.


How Does Upper Cervical Work?

Unlike general chiropractic adjustments, upper cervical adjustments are gentle, precise, and involve no “popping” or “cracking” of the spine. They are safe for any age and can make a large impact on your bodily functions as well as the overall health of your spine.

The goal of upper cervical adjustments is to strengthen your immune system by getting rid of any brain to body communication interference, which is ideal for autoimmune disease treatment. When an adjustment is made, the pressure is taken off the brain stem and opens up the flow of your brain to body communication.

This allows your body to send accurate signals to correct bodily functions as well as heal and repair areas of the body that were injured. In addition, without this disruption of communication, the body will be able to properly notice the difference between foreign invaders and your healthy cells.

If there are other areas of your spine that compress on your nervous system, correcting the upper cervical spine can help those as well. Your upper cervical spine greatly influences the direction of the rest of your spine.

When your upper cervical spine’s alignment is corrected, the rest of the spine will shift into the correct alignment to follow its lead. When the upper cervical spine is knocked out of alignment, the rest of your spine will begin to shift, twist, and turn in order to keep your head level – which can cause more nerves to be compressed.

Patients have reported seeing a difference in their body’s functions in as little as one adjustment. Even patients who have relied on medication or surgeries have noticed a difference due to the upper cervical giving your body the ability to strengthen and heal itself naturally.

If you or a loved one is suffering from an autoimmune disease and are looking for an effective autoimmune disease treatment that can help target the underlying cause, the upper cervical may be the option for you.

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