What to do About Those Weather Change Sinuses

Posted in Head Disorders on Dec 24, 2020

As the weather changes, it can begin to affect your sinuses even without allergies being in the mix – weather change sinuses. Some weather-related allergies that rise during the drop in temperature can include dust mites, pet dander, mold, airborne dust particles, and more. However, what if you do not have these types of allergies?


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How Does the Weather Affect my Sinuses?

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Weather change sinuses occur when sudden changes in the weather occur that can alter humidity, temperature, or pressure. On days that are cool, crisp, accompanied by a slight breeze and no pollen, dust, mold, or pollutants you may not have any trouble with your sinuses as this is the “ideal weather” for those with sinusitis. However, highly humid days, drastic changes in temperature, or any other “unideal day” can trigger sinus pressure, headaches, infections, or chronic congestion and inflammation.

During the dry, colder weather your sinuses can begin to lack normal moisture needed for them to function properly. Having dry sinuses are more prone to attract bacteria and become infected; in fact, they a more than twice as likely than if they were functioning normally.

For weather change sinuses: the dry air is known to bring out respiratory issues, dehydration, damaged cilia, and sore throat on top of your dry sinuses. While investing in humidifiers do help the moisture build up in the air within your home, there is another natural treatment that may help in providing more relief to your weather change sinuses.

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Upper Cervical and Weather Change Sinuses

Whether your sinuses are due to allergies or a part of weather change sinuses, upper cervical chiropractic could become very useful to aiding your sinus relief. Upper cervical adjustments focus on the top two bones of your spinal cord – located right beneath the base of your skull. These two bones, called the atlas and the axis, protect your brain stem to ensure it can function properly.

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Your brain stem is the bridge of communication between your brain and your body. This means if your brain stem is not functioning properly, your body is unable to function properly. When one or both of the top two bones of your spinal cord are knocked out of alignment, they can press against your brain stem – causing the signals that would pass through between your brain and your body to be misinterpreted or unable to go through at all. When this communication is at risk, it can cause a lot of issues to stir up inside your body including making your weather change sinuses more severe.

One of the brain to body natural functions is to drain and maintain healthy sinuses that are lined with a layer of mucus. The natural mucus in your sinuses allow them to filter out dirt, dust, and any other pollutants you inhale while keeping in moisture, so your sinuses are not dried out. When weather change sinuses occur, your sinuses may begin to dry out. If your brain to body communication is not sending signals properly, your sinuses can feel even more discomfort as a lack of this natural function can also play a part in drying out your sinuses.


How Upper Cervical Helps Your Body Adapt to Weather Change

Your body has the natural ability of adapting to change. This is how you are able to heal from wounds, regain your health after sickness, and fight off infection. Your body’s nervous system is a powerhouse, but without proper brain to body communication it can take a toll on your wellbeing.

When weather changes, your body will begin to try adapting to it. This can take longer, or the body may not adapt at all, if brain to body communication is not properly functioning. To name a few, cold weather is known to increase blood pressure, influence the immune system, and stimulate the production of brown fat cells (brown fat cells produce heat to keep you warm). There are many natural ways your body works to helping you combat the cold weather, but the body would not be able to do its best at preparing you if there is an underlying issue with the communication.

While upper cervical adjustments can help improve weather change sinuses, they can do much more than that: by correcting the brain to body communication by taking pressure off your brain stem, your body can receive and interpret signals more efficiently in order to adapt to changes in the weather.


What Happens in an Upper Cervical Adjustment?

Upper cervical adjustments are unlike general chiropractic adjustments. Without any cracking or popping involved, upper cervical adjustments work by using small, precise, and gentle adjustments to realign the top two bones of your spine to release pressure placed on your brain stem that is distorting its communication.

Upper cervical adjustments are natural and safe for any age with one goal in mind: to correct the patient’s upper cervical spine as little as possible. This means your spine will only be corrected when needed. Over time, less adjustments will be needed as your body repairs and heals your ligaments and soft tissue in the affected area that have weakened due to the misalignment. Once your neck area is strong enough to hold the adjustment on its own, no other adjustments are needed unless another misalignment occurs.

Upper cervical adjustments can help improve your weather change sinuses by allowing your body to grow stronger from the inside out. If you or someone you love is experiencing uncomfortable weather change sinuses, an upper cervical treatment can be very beneficial.

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