Upper Cervical: A Natural Treatment for Your Brain Fog

Posted in Head Disorders on Jul 31, 2020

Brain fog is not a medical condition, but a symptom that can cause memory problems, inability to focus, lack of mental clarity, and poor concentration. Brain fog is also described as “mental fatigue” and, depending on the severity of brain fog, there is a chance it can get in the way of school and work.

While there are ways to get rid of brain fog without treatment, sometimes it may not go away on its own and without proper brain fog treatment, it can impact the quality of your life.

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What Causes Brain Fog?

Brain fog may occur from a variety of reasons and knowing the causes of brain fog will help you determine if a natural brain fog treatment will be beneficial. Why natural brain fog treatment? Well, one of the causes of brain fog is actually medication. If you begin to notice brain fog after taking medication, you should bring this to your doctor’s attention.

Some of the most common causes of brain fog include:

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  • Medication - Sometimes brain fog can be a side effect of a medication you are taking. It may also occur after cancer treatments where this side effect is referred to as “chemo brain”.
  • Medical Conditions - Changes in blood glucose levels or medical conditions linked to inflammation or fatigue can cause brain fog. A condition like chronic fatigue syndrome causes a person to feel fatigued for longer than six months and includes brain fog as one of its symptoms.
  • Lack of sleep - Not getting enough sleep can be unhealthy and lead to changing how your brain functions. Sometimes your thoughts can be slower or “muddled” if lacking proper amounts of sleep.
  • Stress - Stress can increase your blood pressure and cause mental fatigue to occur. When you become stressed out over a period of time, it can exhaust the brain making it harder for you to think clearly and focus.
  • Hormonal Changes - Hormonal changes from pregnancy and menopause can cause brain fog. Progesterone and estrogen hormones increase during pregnancy and can trigger short-term memory loss. During menopause, a drop in estrogen can produce muddled thinking, forgetfulness, and an inability to concentrate.
  • Diet - Vitamin B-12 encourages healthy brain function and having a vitamin B-12 deficiency will increase the chances of brain fog. In addition, eating certain foods may generate brain fog such as aspartame, dairy, and peanuts. Eliminating trigger foods from your diet may help you improve symptoms.

Apart from the above reasons for brain fog, there is a cause that is often overlooked. Sometimes fatigue, hormonal changes, and medical conditions can be triggered by something else entirely: an upper cervical misalignment.


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What is an Upper Cervical Misalignment and How is it Linked to Brain Fog?

There is a chance none of the above may be triggering your brain fog and instead, if you have a medical condition or feel fatigued, it could be due to an upper cervical misalignment. An upper cervical misalignment is when one of the top vertebrae in the neck falls out of alignment.

This may be due to an injury, the natural aging process, or even stress placed on it over time from things such as poor posture or lifting heavy objects.

When an upper cervical misalignment occurs, the vertebrae out of alignment can apply pressure against your brain stem. The brain stem allows proper flow of brain to body communication and if this is interrupted, it could cause harm to the body as proper signals are no longer being transferred between the brain and the body successfully.

Without proper signals, the body’s natural healing and repairing abilities become compromised and various health conditions may occur as the body continues to not function properly.

This pressure on the brain stem does not only have an impact on how the brain and body communicate but your brain health in general. Sometimes the pressure can cause less oxygen to reach the brain and cause inflammation to the surrounding nerves, leading to migraines, headaches, vertigo, depression, and/or foggy thinking. 


How Does an Upper Cervical Brain Fog Treatment Work?

Upper cervical adjustments are performed by an upper cervical chiropractor. Unlike many other chiropractors, an upper cervical chiropractor focuses on the upper cervical spine (neck area).

Their goal is to adjust the patient as little as possible and only as needed to ensure the patient maintains proper upper cervical alignment. Having proper upper cervical alignment helps your body maintain a healthy brain stem and a body that can continue to perform its natural functions appropriately.

For an all-natural brain fog treatment option, an upper cervical adjustment can be extremely beneficial. Not only can this natural brain fog treatment help your brain fog symptom, but the underlying cause behind it.

Patients who have had healthy diets and exercise can still have brain fog due to causes that seem to be unknown to them. However, a consultation with an upper cervical professional can bring light on if you have pressure from an upper cervical misalignment causing it.

The way an upper cervical brain fog treatment works is the upper cervical chiropractor will make small, gentle adjustments to your neck area. These adjustments are not “bone cracking” or rough on the area which you may have seen in other chiropractic techniques; they are delicate and are safe for any age.

As soon as a correction is made, the pressure is released from the brain stem and proper brain to body communication opens back up – allowing the healing and repair process to begin almost immediately.

Depending on the severity of your misalignment, more adjustments may be made for your brain fog treatment until your body repairs and heals itself enough to hold the correct alignment without help. Patients have reported relief in as little as one adjustment even after using medication or had surgery performed previously.

The reason behind this is simple: An upper cervical adjustment brain fog treatment helps your brain stem health, allowing the body to improve its natural functions and communication.

No matter which medication or surgery is taken, an upper cervical adjustment allows your body to have the ability to become as healthy as it can be by healing and repairing places that are unseen by modern treatments.

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