Nerve pain treated by upper cervical chiropractic

Posted in on Feb 6, 2021

A healthy nervous system is crucial for the healthy working of a body. If in any case, any part of the spine is misaligned, it tweaks the nerves coming out of the spinal cord which results in inappropriate functioning and pain of the relevant body part. Neck pain is an outcome of cervical dysfunction as well.

It is one of the most common complaints among US adults and almost 10-20% of the population is suffering from the condition. In addition, neck pain is one of the top 5 disorders experience by American adults. It has a predominant effect on your physical, mental and social well-being. Therefore, it needs to be addressed immediately and effectively.

The major causes behind the neck pain include; 

  • Tendon tears 
  • Muscle sprain 
  • Cervical dysfunction 
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Slipped disc          

People often take medicines like anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers to tackle the situation. However, these medicines only bring short-term relief, and that too with various side effects. Therefore, the situation demands an effective procedure that helps to address the issue for the long-term.

Chiropractic techniques serve as a natural, non-surgical, or non-invasive procedure for treating neck pain and various other spine-related sicknesses. It employs manual adjustment of the spine to reduce the symptoms of discomfort and pain in the upper cervical or neck region.

Chiropractors examine your neck or the paining region thoroughly. They ask you questions relating to the symptoms accompanying the situation so that the most relevant treatment course can be designed and decided for you. Standard chiropractic examination includes specialized testing including for; 

  • Posture and balance test
  • Neurological examination 
  • Physical observation 

These tests let you know if your neck pain can be treated with chiropractic techniques or if it falls out of the domain of chiropractic care.


Nerve pain and upper cervical chiropractic 

Upper cervical chiropractic is exclusively carried out for neck pain due to cervical misalignment. It works to rectify the alignment of the neck vertebrae or the upper cervical spine for the appropriate functioning of the spinal cord. Patients who undergo cervical readjustments report long-lasting relief from the pain, improved levels of energy, and an overall improvement in the quality of lifestyle. 

Upper cervical chiropractic care majorly involves the patient kneeling comfortably on a padded cushion. The patient rests his/her chest on a specialized chiropractic adjusting table. The doctor positions your head to a side at a precise angle and positions his hands at the particular part of your neck which is hurting. Next, the chiropractor delivers a quick, gentle thrust adjusting the upper vertebrae of the neck to a correct position.

Some of the other neck-related conditions best treated with the upper cervical chiropractor technique are; 

Sometimes the chiropractor employs a combination of techniques to address neck and cervical issues of the patients. However, all of them intend an adjusting the spine where the patient feels is most comfortable. The most common technique employed by the chiropractor for manipulating the spine is gentle thrusting of the spine to restore healthy movements of the joints.

In addition, the chiropractor may prescribe some exercises that can help you augment the mobility of the spine and maintain its health. Furthermore, lifestyle changes like a healthy workout routine, nutritious diet, and maintaining a good posture while sleeping and working can help you enhance your spinal health.     


How is upper cervical chiropractic beneficial? 

Upper cervical chiropractic techniques focus on the alignment of the first two bones in the neck and the brain-stem. These two parts are their interrelationship is crucial for the healthy mobility of the living body. Scientific studies report that the brain-stem acts like a switchboard between the body and brain.

It relays the nerve signals to all the cells, tissues, and organs through nerves and the spinal cord. Thus, any kind of misalignment between the bones and the brain-stem can disrupt corporal communication leading to pain and discomfort. If the condition isn't rectified in time it can lead to loss of body function and healing.

Upper cervical chiropractic techniques take great care in determining the misalignment along the spine and adjusting them precisely. It helps to restore proper communication between the body and brain, removing any kind of discomfort, pain which might distort or interfere with it.      

Most importantly, upper cervical chiropractic doesn't involve the use of medicines and synthetic chemicals. It is just a manual adjustment with no potential side effects. However, complications may arise if you visit an inexperienced chiropractor who doesn't know how to perform the techniques well. 



Upper cervical chiropractic is usually very effective for neck pain and related symptoms and conditions, the chiropractor adjusts your spine for proper alignment of the neck bones and upper cervical vertebrae.

If you have ever faced any symptoms of neck pain or any restrictions in mobility, consider acquiring professional chiropractic services to correct your spine so you can return to a healthy, active, and pain-free life.





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