An Effective Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Posted in Health Disodres on Jul 8, 2019

An Effective Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition causing pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and/or arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, one of the major nerves that run through the length of the arm, is squeezed or compressed while traveling through the wrist.

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This median nerve also controls the sensation and movement of your thumb and the first three fingers.

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What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The most common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are repetitive work involving bending of the wrists, arthritis, certain diseases, and injuries to the wrist.

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There are also some conditions linked to carpal tunnel syndromes, such as thyroid dysfunction, fluid retention from pregnancy or menopause, diabetes, autoimmune disorders (like rheumatoid arthritis), and fractures or trauma to the wrist.

If carpal tunnel syndrome is left untreated, it could lead to weakness and a lack of coordination within your fingers and thumb.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Symptoms for carpal tunnel syndrome usually start out slowly, beginning with a burning, numbing or tingling sensation or pain in the thumb or any of your fingers, except for the pinkie. This feeling may travel up the forearm as well

Most of the time symptoms will start at night if you sleep with your wrists bent, which causes pressure on your median nerve. As you wake up, you might feel as if you need to shake your hands out to relax your wrist.

Over time your condition can become worse, where you end up noticing these symptoms happening throughout the day. If you are doing something that causes your wrist to stay bent in a stagnant position for a long time (holding your phone, reading a book, driving, etc.), it could cause these symptoms to happen more often.

When the symptoms first begin, they will usually come and go; however, if left untreated the symptoms will begin to occur more frequently and much worse. Other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include the following:

  • Fingers feeling swollen
  • “Shocks” though-out the thumb and fingers
  • Pain and tingling going up to the forearm and shoulder
  • Dropping things more often due to numbness or weakened muscles
  • Difficulty in making a fist 
  • Hard time working with small objects

Those who experience a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome may lose the muscle at the base of their thumb or will no longer have the ability to tell what is hot or cold by touch.

If you are experiencing any of these carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms on a regular basis, it is highly recommended to seek out treatment before it gets worse.


How Does Upper Cervical Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Upper cervical doctors study the top two bones of the spine (neck) and how they influence the central nervous system and brain stem function. There is a trend of many conditions dissipating after upper cervical adjustments often because upper cervical misalignments result in compressing the brain stem; which makes it disrupt the pathway of the proper brain to body communication.

The disruption causes signals from the brain to be misinterpreted by the body, affecting how your body perceives pain (causing you to feel pain when there is no cause of the pain), impairs your balance, causes dizziness or vertigo, lessen or raise blood pressure, cause headaches or migraines, and many more symptoms – all because of the improper brain to body communication and compression of nerves.

There are about 274 unique ways your upper cervical spine can become misaligned, so unlike general chiropractic, the upper cervical is very precise and gentle. There is no “popping” or cracking of the spine involved in upper cervical.

When your brain stem is no longer compressed, the blood vessels and nerves will no longer be irritated and your brain to body communication will begin to normalize after the pathway is open. Remember, all of the nerves throughout your body all gather at your brain stem.

So once a misalignment happens and your nerves are compressed, it can start affecting various parts of your body and if the symptoms are left to get worse, they can lead to various types of conditions.

Many patients who suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome have found upper cervical to be very effective in either finding relief or being rid of carpal tunnel syndrome completely. Usually, after an adjustment, a patient may feel a strange, almost burning sensation, through the arm or hand that has carpal tunnel syndrome.

Shortly after the sensation, they no longer had symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. But how?

This is because when your brain stem is open, the blood flow is regulated and blood travels back through places that might have been lacking blood flow for quite some time (this is the “burning sensation” – it’s actually your blood flowing!); and your nerves that no longer have pressure pressed against them by the misalignment start to regain their feeling, reducing the tingling and numbing sensations. 

While there are other treatments to help relieve those who have carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, an upper cervical treatment is the only treatment so far that involves correcting the cause of the condition rather than focusing solely on the symptoms.

Relieving symptoms will not help heal your body if the cause is left untreated. If the cause is treated, then the symptoms will begin to disappear. This means not only getting rid of the symptoms, but upper cervical adjustments allow your body to heal and have its own chance of fighting off the condition altogether.

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