A Naturally Way to Fix Your Pinched Nerve

Posted in on Sep 5, 2019

A pinched nerve occurs when there is too much pressure applied to a nerve and can happen in various places throughout the body. Having a pinched nerve can lead to damage over time if left untreated by creating numerous conditions and chronic pain.

With more than 100 unique types of nerve damage, it is strongly encouraged for a pinched nerve to be treated as soon as it is noticed to ensure a better chance of a complete recovery. In order to best treat a pinched nerve, we need to focus on the cause of pressure applied to your nerve. A pinched nerve chiropractor focuses on finding the underlying cause of the pressure and uses precise adjustments to correct the affected area. 


What Does a Pinched Nerve Feel Like?

Not sure if you have a pinched nerve? The following are the most common signs and symptoms of a pinched nerve. 

  • Pain - You may experience pain in the area of compression. For example, the wrist, neck, or lower back.
  • Radiating Pain - The pain you experience starts in one place and travels to another along the nerve path.
  • Numbness or Tingling - A prickling sensation that is persisting in an area of the body. You may also feel as if parts of your body have “fallen asleep” as it is numb, such as the hands and feet.
  • Burning Sensation - Also known as “pins and needles”. This can be a painful feeling in which you do not want the area to be touched.
  • Weakness - Muscles may weaken in the area of the pinched nerve.

Those who have a pinched nerve may not have all the listed symptoms and sometimes the symptoms they experience will worsen as they move in certain ways, such as a turn of the head.


How Does an Upper Cervical Pinched Nerve Chiropractor Help?

An upper cervical chiropractor is a great pinched nerve chiropractor. This is because they study the nervous system and focus on the brain stem and how it reacts and controls the nerves throughout your body. Unlike generic chiropractic, an upper cervical pinched nerve chiropractor does not pop or crack any parts of the spine.

Instead, the upper cervical pinched nerve chiropractor makes gentle, precise adjustments to the top two bones of your spine located at the base of your skull (these are known as the Atlas and the Axis).

The brain stem is the most delicate part of our body and has a very significant role in how the body works and continues to take care of itself. Once there is a misalignment in either of the top two bones that compress against the brain stem, which houses all your nerves, it can pinch your nerves and cause discomfort in various locations within your body.

In addition to these misalignments, your body needs to keep the head level so if one of the top two bones are misaligned, your entire spine can be affected as it will start to shift and turn to make the head level again. As your spine changes position, other nerves running through the spine can be pinched in the process.

Once adjustments are made to the cervical area by an upper cervical pinched nerve chiropractor, the spine begins to correct itself to follow the positions of the top two bones. This in turn takes the pressure off the nerves and no longer compresses them.


How Does a Pinched Nerve Chiropractor Correct Conditions Caused by Nerve Damage?

Depending on how long you have had a pinched nerve, the body may take more time to heal. When a correction is made to take the pressure off the brain stem, the brain to body communication begins to return to normal and the body will start a self-healing process by restoring damaged areas.

If the pinched nerve was incredibly severe or has been an ongoing issue for years without treatment, the body will require even more time to correct the affected area.

In all actuality, a pinched nerve chiropractor does not correct your condition caused by nerve damage; instead, your body does the healing for you while the pinched nerve chiropractor enables your body to regulate itself and heal itself effectively.

Once a pinched nerve chiropractor corrects your upper cervical misalignment, your brain to body communication will become normal and will help restore and maintain your health. During this process, it is very common for patients who have conditions caused by nerve damage to see improvements in their conditions or eliminate them completely.

Some of the conditions that have responded positively to an upper cervical pinched nerve chiropractor include Carpal Tunnel, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Fibromyalgia. Those who have Arthritis have also reported relief after seeing a pinched nerve chiropractor.


Can Anyone See a Pinched Nerve Chiropractor?

Healing from a pinched nerve varies from person to person as it depends on the severity of the pinched nerve, how long you have had a pinched nerve, and how quickly your body will start the repairing process after the adjustments.

Most patients who have seen an upper cervical pinched nerve chiropractor have reported improvements as soon as the very first adjustment and have felt many changes and “shifts” through their bodies during the first week.

The most rewarding part of seeing a pinched nerve chiropractor is knowing there is no surgery or medication involved and that it encourages a natural healing process.

Even patients who have not seen any improvements after going into surgery to correct problems that have developed from their pinched nerves have noticed significant improvements with an upper cervical pinched nerve chiropractor: This is because surgery usually corrects the symptoms of their pinched nerve while the cause of the problem persists and continues to worsen over time.

The upper cervical process is safe for any age as an upper cervical pinched nerve chiropractor uses gentle and precise adjustments. Upper cervical is also a great option for those who are looking for a holistically natural alternative that does not target the symptoms of your pinched nerve but corrects the cause of it instead.

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