There is a significant difference between headaches andmigraines. Headaches are known to cause mild, dull pressure thatcan be felt throughout the forehead and the scalp with noadditional symptoms. With migraines, you feel a more intensepulsing and/or throbbing pain that is mostly felt on one side ofthe head with additional symptoms felt throughout the body.
What is Chronic Migraine?
Migraine sufferers will either experience episodic migraines orchronic migraines. With episodic migraines, you may go weeks ormonths at a time between migraine attacks. When you have chronicmigraines, this means you experience migraine symptoms for 15 daysor more per month for at least 3 months.
You may be diagnosed with episodic migraines if you have had atleast 5 migraine attacks in your lifetime, experienced migraineheadaches that affected you less than 15 days each month, and havehad headaches typically lasting less than 24 hours. There are manytriggers for episodic migraines with the most common triggers beingstress, weather, and menstruation.
With migraine symptoms lasting for more than 4 hours at a timeand making an appearance more than 15 days per month, you could bediagnosed with chronic migraine. Chronic migraine sufferersexperience longer migraine headaches on average along with anincrease in the days they occur.
Researchers have found the average time chronic migrainesufferers experience a migraine headache is 65.1 hours withouttreatment and 24.1 hours with treatment. (Zaza Katsarava) As acomparison, those who have episodic migraines will have migraineheadaches lasting at an average of 38.8 hours without treatment and12.8 hours with treatment.
Most migraine sufferers have episodic migraines and do notdevelop chronic migraines. However, there is still hope for thosesuffering from chronic migraines as there is a natural treatmentfor chronic migraine relief that can improve your quality of lifeno matter the amount of time you have lived with this debilitatingcondition.
What are the Symptoms of aMigraine?
Migraine symptoms may appear one or two days before the episodebegins, known as the prodrome stage. Symptoms that appear duringthe prodrome stage include the following:
- Frequent Yawning
- Depression
- Food Cravings
- Irritability
- Neck Stiffness
- Hyperactivity
- Fatigue or Low Energy
Auras, which are common symptoms in migraines, appear after thisprodrome stage. An aura causes you to see flashing lights, dots,wavy lines, or encounter blurry vision or blind spots that occuranywhere from 20 minutes to an hour before the migraine attack.During an aura, you may experience the following:
- Temporary Loss of Vision
- Difficulty with Speech
- Prickling or Tingling Sensation (in the face, arms, orlegs)
- Seeing Shapes, Flashing Lights, or BrightSpots
Next is the migraine attack, which could overlap or occur whileyou have an aura. The migraine attack symptoms may last from a fewhours to days at a time-varying from person to person. Symptomsduring the migraine attack include the following:
- Nausea
- Dizziness or Feeling Faint
- Vomiting
- Pulsing and Throbbing Head Pain
- Pain on One Side of the Head
- Increased Sensitivity to Light and Sound
After the migraine attack, it is common for migraine sufferersto have a postdrome phase. In the postdrome phase, the sufferer canhave changes in their mood and feelings whether it be feelingeuphoric and extremely happy or apathetic and very tired. Thisphase may also involve a mild, dull headache that persists.
Just looking over the symptoms of a migraine attack can bedaunting, and it is no mystery why migraines can take a toll onone’s quality of life. Because migraines can be incrediblydebilitating, it is important for sufferers to have much neededchronic migraine relief.
Treatments for Chronic MigraineRelief
There are a few options available for chronic migraine relief;however, there is a big difference between them. When looking atthe available options for chronic migraine relief, they mostlyfocus on helping the symptoms rather than the cause of the chronicmigraine itself.
Medications for chronic migraine relief are used in hopes toprevent a migraine attack or to help treat it when it happens.While you may receive quick relief with over-the-countermedication, they do come with side effects and should not be usedtoo often. In addition to this, if the over-the-counter medicationdoes not help your symptoms, you may be prescribed strongermedications.
Surgery for chronic migraine relief is available to those whosaw no improvement in their condition by using medications. Pleasenote these surgeries are not approved by the FDA and some areconsidered experimental.
- Neurostimulation Surgery - This surgeryinvolves inserting electrodes under your skin to deliver electricalstimulation to certain nerves.
- MSDS - This procedure for chronicmigraine relief works by releasing nerves around the head and facethat could play a role in triggering your chronic migraines.
Best Natural Treatment for Chronic MigraineRelief
While the most common treatment options target symptoms of yourchronic migraine, the only way to achieve true chronic migrainerelief is to target the cause of it. This is where upper cervicaltreatments come into play.
Upper cervical treatments are a great option for chronicmigraine relief. They are 100% natural and extremely effective inhelping the body attack the underlying cause/triggers of yourchronic migraines.
With the use of small, gentle adjustments to your upper cervicalspine (neck area) pressure is taken off of your brain stem toenable the proper brain to body communication in which allows yourbody to repair and heal itself – including repairing parts of yourbody that have been triggering your migraines.
Why does this work?
When an upper cervical misalignment occurs from the naturalaging process, injury, or stress placed on that area, the vertebraecan press on your brain stem and surround nerves. This pressure canlimit the amount of blood (or oxygen) your brain receives and causemore headaches to occur.
The compression is also known to irritate and inflame nerves.With your brain stem being pressed on, your brain to body signalsbecome distorted and can cause many complications to arisethroughout your body.
When an upper cervical professional makes a correction, thispressure is taken off your brain stem, surrounding nerves, and softtissue all while bringing back your proper brain to bodycommunication. Many patients with chronic migraines have seenimprovements in their condition in as little as one adjustment.
Depending on the severity and length of time the misalignmenthas been present, more adjustments may be needed. However, the goalof the professional is the same: To only adjust when needed (lessand less over time) and to help your body grow strong enoughovertime to hold the correct alignment by itself.
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