Can Cervical Spine Problems Cause Ear Pain?

Posted in Lower Extremities on Apr 22, 2020

Can Cervical Spine Problems Cause Ear Pain?

The cervical spine plays a very important role by protecting thebrain stem and being the “leader” of the rest of the spine; thismeans if the upper cervical spine is out of place, the rest of thespine will follow its path and begin creating more misalignments inother areas of the spine.

The upper cervical spine consists of two bones that are locatedright beneath the base of the skull. If any of the top two bonesare misaligned, they could affect the surrounding areas veryquickly – including the ear area. 

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It is not unusual to have ear pain when the cervical spine ismisaligned. In addition, many patients who have had ear pain, earsymptoms such as tinnitus, or had an ear infection, have seen greatimprovement in their condition after an upper cervical adjustment.This is thanks to the strong connection the upper cervical spinehas with the ear region.


Is Ear Pain Serious?

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Not all ear pain is serious as sometimes ear pain will start togo away on its own. However, as soon as ear pain goes away it isimportant to monitor it in case of a recurrence. Having ear painreturns every now and then could be a sign of something in the bodygoing wrong and should not be ignored.

Remember, each symptom the body gives us is our body’s way oftelling us something is not right. While some ear pain may go awayon its own, ear pain that is reoccurring or does not improve over24 to 48 hours should be looked at by a professional to see whatcould be triggering it.


What Symptoms May Occur with Ear Pain?

Ear pain itself is a sharp, sudden pain or a dull, continuouspain. There are other symptoms that could show up along with yourear pain. As mentioned above, it is best to consult a professionalfor ear pain if there is no improvement over 24 to 48 hours or ifit becomes worse.

The following are some symptoms that may occur with earpain:

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  • Stiff neck
  • A feeling of fullness within the ear
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Muffled hearing 
  • Ear drainage
  • High fever
  • Sharp, stabbing pain with warm drainage
  • Drowsiness
  • Minor hearing loss
  • Sticky or bloody discharge from the ear
  • Increased pain when wiggling ear lobe

These symptoms range from minor to severe and there are variouscauses for your ear pain to have additional symptoms. If you havebegun to have ear pain and/or other symptoms associated with itafter a blow to the ear or head trauma, it is recommended you see aprofessional right away.

The upper cervical spine is a delicate area and can cause manyissues to arise either immediately or take a toll on your body overtime.


How Do Upper Cervical Problems Affect the Ear?

A cervical spine injury can cause various types of eardysfunctions, such as vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. This isbecause the neck is related to proper ear function. When one of thetop two bones of your spine, underneath the base of the skull, ismisaligned it can affect the Eustachian tubes by limiting theirability to drain excess fluid.

This is important because inadequate drainage can cause vertigo, ear pain, and a feeling of fullness in theear. A misalignment can place pressure on the eustachian tube orcause inflammation in the area with a possibility to lead up to thegradual development of a lesion on the eustachian tube.

Those who have had surgery for ear pain or ear infection havereported seeing improvements after an upper cervical adjustment.This is because although surgery may have helped in some way (or insome cases, not at all) it did not target what was causing theirear pain and their body was still limited on its healing andrepairing capabilities due to the upper cervical misalignment.


Upper Cervical Treatment for Ear Pain

When your upper cervical spine is misaligned, ear pain is onlyone of the many issues that can come from it. A misalignment in theupper cervical spine takes away your body’s ability to communicatewith the brain properly.

The brain stem is the bridge to the brain to body communication,and when this bridge is damaged it can lead to false signals, whichinclude having a false sense of pain, or signals may stop frombeing transmitted altogether!

Brain to body communication gives your body the natural abilityto heal and repair interferences. If your ear pain is a symptom,there is no way the body can naturally fix what is causing thesymptom if there is miscommunication. When the bridge is repaired,the communication returns to normal and begins repairing your bodyimmediately.

Upper cervical adjustments allow your body to focus oncorrecting what is causing the ear pain rather than treating earpain as a symptom and trying to find a way to “improve the pain”without targeting the cause.

Surgery and medication are used to help improve how you arefeeling by altering the way the body responds and feels. Uppercervical adjustments, on the other hand, help improve the naturalstate of your body so it can become stronger and heal itself fromthe inside out.

If you or a loved one is experiencing ear pain and are lookingfor a natural, effective treatment or have found no ideal solutionin surgery or medication, upper cervical adjustments have beenextremely beneficial to fighting against ear pain and variouscauses behind it.

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