Suffering from chronic low back pain?

Posted in Lumbosacral and Pelvic on Jan 13, 2023

Chronic low back pain is a common problem experienced by manypeople. While there are various treatment options available,chiropractic care is often an effective approach to managing thistype of pain. If you're considering seeking chiropractic care forchronic low back pain, here's what you need to know.

Defining chronic low back pain - what it is and how long itlasts

Chronic low back pain is a condition characterized by low backpain that typically lasts more than three months. The exact causeof chronic low back pain can be difficult to determine, but oftenit is due to wear and tear in the vertebrae of the spine, lumbarherniated discs, arthritis in the spine joints, or muscle/ligamentstrain. For many individuals and despite various types oftreatment, low back pain can last for years and may even becomeworse over time. Besides a dull ache, low back pain may also beaccompanied by sharp jabs of pain and radiating symptoms throughoutthe abdomen and down the legs. It is important to properly diagnoselow back pain that has lasted for long periods of time in order totreat any underlying issues.

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Causes of chronic low back pain - common causes and riskfactors

Chronic low back pain is an uncomfortable and often debilitatingcondition that affects millions of Americans yearly. Common causesof chronic low back pain include strain and overload injuries,structural issues such as herniated discs, scoliosis or otherspinal problems, uterine and ovarian conditions for women,spondylolisthesis, which is a weakening or slippage along thespine's joints, and degenerative disorders like narrowing of thevertebral spaces due to arthritis. Risk factors for developingchronic low back pain are numerous and may include gender (malesare at slightly higher risk than females), cigarette smoking, beingoverweight or obese, strenuous physical labor, or activities suchas athletics or lifestyles with minimal physical exercise. If youbelieve that you're suffering from chronic low back pain it'simportant to consult with your doctor in order to understand whatmight be causing your discomfort.

Symptoms of chronic low back pain - what to look for

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Chronic low back pain is a debilitating condition for manypeople. It can cause immense exhaustion and discomfort in the lowerlumbar region of the body. Common symptoms to look for are muscletension, decreased range of motion and flexibility, localizedstiffness or soreness, and persistent pressure in the back. In somecases, shooting pain in the legs or hips may be associated withchronic low back pain. If any of these symptoms persist for morethan two weeks, it is important to seek medical attention to helpdetermine a course of treatment that best suits your needs.Treatment options vary depending on the severity and variablenature of this condition but can include stretching exercises,physical therapy, relaxation techniques, surgery, or the use ofpharmaceuticals such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs).

Diagnosing chronic low back pain - tests and procedures yourdoctor may use

Diagnosing chronic low back pains may take more than one test orprocedure. The type of tests and procedures used to diagnose yourchronic low back pain can be dependent on what could potentially becausing it. Generally, your doctor will start with a physical examwhich may include an analysis of posture, range of motion, andreflexes; this is then often followed by imaging tests, such asX-rays or MRIs, to help determine other possible causes within thebody. Finally, depending on the results, they may recommend bloodtests to rule out any medical issues that could be causing backpain. Through these various diagnostic evaluations either alone ortogether, your doctor should be able to figure out a plan fortreatment and relief from chronic low back pain.

Treatment options for chronic low back pain 

Treatment options for chronic low back pain can vary dependingon the severity of the condition. Although physicians oftenprescribe medications such as analgesics, non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, or eventricyclic antidepressants, many patients look to chiropractictreatment. Chiropractic doctors focus on adjusting a person's spineto relieve pain and tension caused by spinal joints, discs, nerves,and tendons in the lower back. In more extreme cases wheremedications and chiropractic care are insufficient, some mayrequire surgery to help alleviate the pain. As with any medicalprocedure, potential risks need to be weighed against beneficialoutcomes prior to deciding if surgery is an appropriate form oftreatment.

Tips for managing your symptoms and improving your quality oflife

Living with chronic low back pain can be incredibly difficult,and it's important to stay active both physically and mentally tomake it more manageable. Different types of exercise, such as yogaor swimming, can be especially beneficial in relieving discomfort.Additionally, lifestyle changes such as sleeping on a supportivemattress or having an ergonomic desk setup at your home office canhelp reduce inflammation and other low back pain symptoms.Additionally, certain relaxation techniques such as meditation,deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation can bevery helpful in reducing pain levels and improving the overallquality of life. If the pain is too severe to manage on your own,don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional foradvice. With the right strategies in place, managing chronic lowback pain doesn't have to feel like an impossible task; by takingproactive steps towards improving your condition today, you canstart feeling better tomorrow.

Upper cervical chiropractic help with low back pain

Upper cervical care is a specialized area of chiropractictreatment that focuses on the proper alignment of the head andneck, which are essential for spinal health. Many studies haveshown that misalignments in the upper cervical spine can lead to awide range of symptoms, including chronic lower backpain. Upper cervical care involves gentle manipulation torestore misaligned joints, reduce nerve irritation and restorespinal health. The adjustments used in upper cervical care areextremely precise and specific; this allows for a more accurate andeffective treatment for chronic lower back pain.

Additionally, upper cervical care also improves the overallfunctioning of the nervous system, which can further help reducesymptoms related to chronic lower back pain. With regular uppercervical care, many patients find that their lower back pain isreduced and in some cases completely eliminated. If you thinkupper cervical care may be a good fit for you, don't hesitate toreach out and schedule an appointment with us today. With the righttreatment plan in place, you can start feeling better soon.

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